Steph's Glass is Half Full

Optimistic (and often pessimistic) raves and rants about the many things that can go wrong with an old house, cats who leave me hairballs each day, a job I love but get burned out with and my wonderful husband who I at times, want to hiss at. Also included are my yays and nays about my travels into the world when performing necessary tasks such as grocery shopping, being thrown together with complete strangers, thrown together with strangers and their strangeness.

Friday, July 21, 2006

My Day as Lead Veterinary Assistant

Staff meeting at the clinic today. No worry for me since I had no items on the agenda. My worry was the Assts. meeting I scheduled for later where issues such as too much idle time, job not getting done, professionalism, frivolous days off, complaints from the Drs. and clients would be addressed. As the Lead Vet. Asst., such issues are my responsibility.

The meeting went well, but I did speak in general terms and did not name specific names. I told everyone I hoped they recognized themselves in the general terms and would make the appropriate changes because if they don't see themselves, I will have to speak to them individually. Not a good thing; makes the discussion personal and something I have to document for their personal record. Such is the life of working for a corporation.

My feeling after the meeting; yep, I gonna have to talk some individuals.

I was away from home from 10AM-3:30PM and shut off the air conditioner and fans. We have a very old house with mickey-mouse wiring thanks to the past owner and I always worry about an electrical fire. I was stuck in traffic and my normal 20 minute drive from the vet. clinic took 90 minutes and the outside temperature was 95. I crept along in my Pathfinder worried about the cats being in a stifling hot house and I was getting perturbed at the drivers who think weaving in and out of various lanes will get them further ahead. Hey, put your cell phone down and pay attention...all the lanes are slow!

I received the finger from someone who drove a half mile on the shoulder and suddenly decided to cut in front of me. I got the finger because I snailed along with traffic and didn't stop to let her in when she hung back on my tail end. She raced up and cut me off. She had one hand on her cell phone and let go of the steering wheel with her other hand to give me the finger. That made her car veer into the other lane where a driver honked furiously at her. That driver also got the finger...and the intruder talked on her cell phone the entire time.

In Washington state, it is illegal to drive on the shoulder. She broke the law and then flips off two law abiding citizens. Her mother needs to sit her down and talk to her about manners, courtesy, laws (even though she looked to be in her 30's).

I arrived home safely and rushed inside to check on the cats. As soon as I entered the house, I was "Ah, it's so nice and cool". Even without the fans and air conditioning on, the house was so much cooler than outdoors. All the cats were napping and were fine.


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