My Day at Work
Was scheduled to work from 2PM-7:30PM and ended up clocking out at 8:30PM. Today I was scheduled as an on hand Vet. Technician. We had our regular two Vet. Assistants working, which meant they covered their own job and my presence at the clinic should have no impact on their duties since I was there as Technician, not Assistant. NOT. The Assts. took advantage of my presence and became very lazy thinking I would pick up their slack.
It was a hectic day. I had to perform Tech. duties, plus keep on top the Asst. duties since the two Assts. thought of today as vacation. That will not happen again.
The Stupid of the Day Award goes to Mabel (name has been changed to ensure privacy of the individual).
Mabel carried a kitten outside while she shook out the throw rugs. The kitten was freaked because he didn't like Mabel and then Mabel added to it by shaking rugs in his face. No leash, collar or harness on the kitten, just Mabel carrying him outside in one hand. STUPID. What if the kitten got loose? Yeah, explain to the owner that we lost your kitten in the woods because our stupid Assistant was stupid.
And then I find her still holding the kitten in one hand while she is cleaning the kennel of a dog, with the dog in the kennel. Great stupidity...let's expose a kitten to a dog who feels the kennel is his space and anyone or anything coming into it is invading his environment.
I gave her a new anal orifice. She doesn't have to worry about constipation for quite awhile.
As Lead, it is my job to make sure all the Assts. are doing their job, which includes safety and care of the animals. Mabel knows better, but has lately developed a "know-it-all" attitude and feels she is above any criticism. I won't tolerate such attitude because it causes strife. It's time to change Mabel's schedule and put her back on closing the clinic, which means mopping the floors.
On a happy note:

Sawyer was adopted. His brother Jin remains. You can view Jin at Kitty Haven's site on
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