Steph's Glass is Half Full

Optimistic (and often pessimistic) raves and rants about the many things that can go wrong with an old house, cats who leave me hairballs each day, a job I love but get burned out with and my wonderful husband who I at times, want to hiss at. Also included are my yays and nays about my travels into the world when performing necessary tasks such as grocery shopping, being thrown together with complete strangers, thrown together with strangers and their strangeness.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Response to Comment

Ali wrote:

Okay. I admit it. I have a "difficult" cat.Nala Marie Elizabeth Ann is a perfect angel at home. She is kind to strangers and loves my two goddaughters. But going to the vet is a completely different story. She growls, hisses, and foams at the mouth.Last time we went, she left a "present" on the vet's exam table. I was mortified. I keep apologizing over and over for her behavior. I don't know what else to do. My question to you is...when animals act like this at the vet's, do you wonder if the animal is mistreated at home? I am terrified they think she is abused which can't be further from the truth. Nala has her own drinking fountain water dish for gosh sakes. Does her chart have her labelled as "having issues?" Is there anything I can do to help her have a better experience at the vet's and at the same time convince them she is loved and taken care of?

Response: We have the difficult patients who are angels at home, but devils at the clinic. Some pets just freak out in the Vet. setting; smells of so many strange animals, strange people handling them, the pet doesn't know what is happening and gets scared or defensive. It happens more often than you would think.

Nala left a present on the exam table? No big deal at the clinic. It happens multiple times each day. That is a normal clean up for us.

Devil pets at the clinic, angels at home, do we think they are mistreated at home? We can usually tell when a pet is fearful of the owner...that triggers our antenna. Your particular reaction to Nala's present on the exam table tells us you are totally shocked by her behavior, which usually means Nala is not a devil at home.

Nala's chart may likely have a notation. Something like, "Caution, Go Slow, hates the Vet. clinic" or "Go Slow, afraid at the clinic".

Is Nala just a devil at the Vet. or does she also hate her carrier and car rides? You know Nala is a terror at the Vet and you stress while loading her into the carrier. Nala picks up on your stress and thinks something bad is going to happen. I can't answer your question of what to do to give Nala a better experience at the Vet without more information.

As to convincing the Vet. office that Nala is loved and well-taken of at home, they probably already know.


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