Kiwi, Storm, Work

We euthanized her Friday. She had FIP. We tried to make her better for several days, but when she developed respiratory distress and lay on her blanket trying to breathe, we knew we had to end her suffering. Just like Inspector Hector. We couldn't let Kiwi suffer. I cried as I held her for the injection of SleepAway. Goodbye sweet Kiwi. You are loved. Your sister Gala misses you.
The windstorm Washington has been enduring the past days has so far been lucky to us. We lost a rain gutter and several tree branches but have retained electricity. My coworkers at the clinic have been without power for two days. I am the freshest person there thanks to being able to take warm showers. Others are taking cold showers since their hot water heaters are not functioning. I also am able to iron my scrubs each day while others have to work in wrinkled uniforms.
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