Good-bye Dora

She dislikes me because I'm her boss and she thinks she knows more than I do. Dora thinks she knows more than any human on Earth and believes she is the be all authority.
Goodbye Dora. We will have a party after you are gone to celebrate the joyful loss of a Trog; a person who thinks the world revolves around them, thinks they are better than everyone else, is stupid and takes offense at any correction of job duties , has no she a person put on this Earth to test ourselves in tolerance. Do we smack her upside the head, scream at her with Stupid being the main word or ignore her holier than thou atitude?
I choose to say nothing until her final day when she is off the clock and no longer an employee. And then who knows what will happen. I hope I act in an honorable way.
WooHoo! We are soon free of Dora!
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