Steph's Glass is Half Full

Optimistic (and often pessimistic) raves and rants about the many things that can go wrong with an old house, cats who leave me hairballs each day, a job I love but get burned out with and my wonderful husband who I at times, want to hiss at. Also included are my yays and nays about my travels into the world when performing necessary tasks such as grocery shopping, being thrown together with complete strangers, thrown together with strangers and their strangeness.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Long Time No Post

Remember the new Asst. who missed a lot of work? A few weeks ago she missed four days with no notice. Oops, she did have her boyfriend call at 6:30AM the first day, when she due at 6AM, saying her car broke down.

The second day no word from her until I got home in the evening and checked email. Yeah, she emailed me at 5AM saying she was missing work, knowing I'm not on the computer until evening. She also said her phone had limited service; she can receive calls but can't call out. But she was able to call the clinic to ask if her niece could pick up her paycheck.
The third day no word from her at all. I called and left a message to call me. She emailed saying the car was not fixed. I sent her a message with a link to the bus routes telling her how much a bus ride cost and how much a pay phone cost.

The fourth day another no show for work. I got an email later saying she didn't have 50 cents for a payphone. She quit, basically saying I made her quit because I insisted she be at work knowing she had no car.

She has been out of communication for three weeks now and still has clinic smocks, an entry key and knows the alarm code. Two days ago the Office Manager called and left a message for her to return clinic property. If we don't hear from her in another day or two, the clinic will be changing the door locks. That's an expensive cost due to a deadbeat employee.

We are all actually shocked, never expected such behavior from her.

We hired another Asst. the same day Deadbeat quit. I'll call her "Pitty" because she loves Pit Bulls. She worked at the clinic before so I didn't have to take on extra hours covering or training. Yay for that!

Unfortunately the Asst. we hired in June, "Bizzy", is full of complaints about Pitty.
Bizzy is nicknamed such because she looks very busy but gets nothing done and she sticks her nose in business that doesn't concern her. If she is involved in a conversation she isn't working. A usual ploy for lazy people. I thought we might have problems because both Pitty and Bizzy are about the same age (young 20's) and Bizzy thinks she knows it all. I figured she might have some animosity and jealousy towards Pitty.

On a happier note, Bogey, Guinness and Foster were adopted. They came to our rescue at six weeks of age from the Yakima Animal Shelter. All three boys were adopted together into the same home.

Zen and Zeena were also adopted together.


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