I did of course eat my usual corn dog when attending such things which turned out to be very crispy on the outside (yum) but gooey on the inside (yuck), and an ear of grilled corn on the cob that was very delicious.
I really did wish the food vendors were more varied rather than the standard fare of hot dogs, greasy hamburgers, vietnamese bland food that leaves an awful after taste in the mouth, dried out fish and chips and bbq stands that served dry meat with the hopes of moistening with bbq sauce. And of course the Washington state standard of scones. Criminies, scones are just bisquits with strawberry jam but you would think Washingtonians needed them for survival because scone lines are always long no matter the venue.
The prices put me in sticker shock. The corn dog and the ear of corn were $4 each. Marty's bbq sandwich was $7. Some vendors had bottled water for $3. Cripes, the prices were outrageous.
Sis-in-law and husband visited Washington last week with their baby boy Kurt, venturing up from California. It's my first meeting with Kurt who is now a whopping five months old.

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