Steph's Glass is Half Full

Optimistic (and often pessimistic) raves and rants about the many things that can go wrong with an old house, cats who leave me hairballs each day, a job I love but get burned out with and my wonderful husband who I at times, want to hiss at. Also included are my yays and nays about my travels into the world when performing necessary tasks such as grocery shopping, being thrown together with complete strangers, thrown together with strangers and their strangeness.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Zoo

For the past week I've been more sick than I have ever been in my life. Well, maybe not but it's difficult to judge because I don't remember ever feeling this bad before. I have been living on tapioca pudding, Sprite and water; the only food items that my stomach would accept and my body ached so much it was a chore to move.

After sleeping fifteen hours Saturday (no, I haven't missed work), I woke Sunday and needed Marty's help to get out of bed because the ache in my muscles and bones was enormous. But I might be on the mend...was able to keep down a breakfast of egg and toast and a few bites of hash browns. The nourishment along with a Tylenol helped me feel much better.

With today's nice weather and my feeling okay, Marty and I spent a short time at the Pt. Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. We haven't been there since 1997 and back then were shocked at the starkness of the zoo and the unkempt conditions of some living areas for the animals. We were pleasantly surprised today.

The zoo has flourished thanks to funds and donations and have made living areas that replicate the natural environment of the animals.

This is a photo of habitat in the South Pacific Aquarium. The colors were much more vivid in real life, my photo doesn't capture the aweness and beauty.

This is also the South Pacific Aquarium. The fish above a Crevalle Jacks which reach four feet in length (the ones we saw were three feet +) and a reef shark below them. There were several sharks in the tank, the largest being about twelve foot long.

One of the polar bears taking a dip to cool off.

What is this? He was in the Puffin/Penguin water area. We didn't see any penguins and this lonely guy was off on his own. De feathered Puffin or is it a penguin?

A bald eagle used for education. Surprisingly, even though this bird stands tall, she weighs only ten lbs. due to bird's hollow bones.

We saw Sumatra tigers, Asian elephants, reindeer, red wolves, lemurs. I was disappointed that the MeerKat display wasn't yet complete since I watch Meerkat Manor on the Animal Channel.

Marty and I enjoyed the outing but we have two complaints. Zoos always have special days with discounts for families. How about a "kid free day" as in no kids allowed, for adults only. Having to maneuver around the strollers and kids running over my feet and screaming about being tired, I don't want to visit the zoo again anytime soon.

The other complaint is that the zoo closed at 6PM today, but the concession stands and gift shop closed their doors to new customers at 5:45. Marty and I were very thirsty and couldn't even get a bottle of water or soda from a vending machine because they were all sold out.

Ah well, just being out and about in the nice weather without being nauseated was a treat for me. I enjoyed my day.


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