10 becomes 50
As the Lead. Asst., it is my responsibility to schedule the Assts. for work hours and to cover those hours myself if there is no other Asst. available. Anyone in a mgmt. type position who deals with scheduling knows what a headache it is to schedule hours. The whining, the complaining about extra hours and extra days. Ever want to just slap someone upside the head? Yep, me too...many times these past days.
I am also trained in many of the Technician duties, so I'm designated as the "on hand extra Tech." and am scheduled to work many of the hours of the Tech. that left.
My 10 hrs. per week has become 50.
Oh well, fortunately I like most aspects of my job and there are parts that aren't a job at all. Such as when I comfort a distressed cat or dog or ease the worried mind of a distraught pet owner. The best parts of my job are too many to list, but one that I thoroughly enjoy is when an extremely sick patient gets better and I am the person who hands the patient back to its owner. I get to see the joy in both the owner and the pet when they are reunited. Being a part of such an event is rejuvenating and touches my heart.

Yeah, oftentimes I have to give medicine to kitties and they don't like it at all. This is Nadi after receiving his liquid antibiotics. He hates it but sure is cute with his hatred.
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