The Three Stooges Again
I thought the discussion would immediately make her pay more attention and use common sense. Wrong.
Stooge moment 1: It was time for Brutus to go home. Brutus is a 10lb. terrier dog. Mabeline opened the upper kennel that housed Brutus, put his collar on and then tried to lift Brutus out of the kennel by grabbing him under the armpits with his face in front of hers rather than turning him around and lifting him under his chest. She screamed out in pain when Brutus jumped out scratching Mabeline's neck in the process. Fortunately Brutus is not a biter. If he bit, Mabeline would have a face wound. Where was her brain? Her butt is kind of large, is that where her brain cells are?
Stooge moment 2: We have white towels at the hospital for Surgery, Grooming, Suds Room. Each towel is labeled as to what it is for and each group has their separate cupboard. Over the past weeks, the towels have been disappearing. I found them in our general towel cupboard mixed in with the towels we use as beds, urine clean-up, etc.
I put a note on the general cupboard: "No surgery, grooming, suds room towels in this cupboard".
Dora asked if I wrote that note and then showed me a towel. She said, "I put this in the general cupboard. It is labeled G for grooming, but the G is so faded you can't even see it, so I didn't know it was a grooming towel."
DUH! Dora was able to tell me it was labeled as grooming, so obviously the label was clear enough to read, but she stood there telling me it was a grooming towel with a label she couldn't read and went off on a rant about being unable to read the label and then ranted about the labels being faded.
I told Dora, "If the labeling becomes faded, just take the Sharpie and refresh the label." DUHDUHDUH.
Stooge moment 3: from Mabeline, "This dog is whining a lot. I think he needs to go outside for a potty break. I'll take him out for a walk and then give him dinner. The poor boy has been here all day and no one even gave him food or water. How can you neglect him like that?"
READ THE CAGE CARD! The dog had surgery an hour ago and is whining while waking up from the anesthesia. Do not open the kennel door because the dog is still hallucinating. Did you forget everything we have trained you in? DUH!!!!

Criminies! Where is their common sense?! Where in their brain have they put their training? Makes me think their brain is directly connected to their butt because that's where their brain seems to be most times.
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