Olympia's First Days After Rescue

According to the Orthopedic Surgeon, Olympia's leg had been broken for three or four weeks, not one week as her past owner claimed.
When Olympia arrived at Kitty Haven Wednesday, she had a Fentanyl pain patch placed on her skin between her shoulder blades. Since the patch was exposed, we needed to devise something to cover it up. Lana, our Vet. Technician, made a "t-shirt" out of soft stretchy tubing. That night, Olympia got the t-shirt off, put it in her litter box and pooped on it. She made sure we knew her opinion of the t-shirt.
She had diarrhea Thursday evening and with the way her leg was wrapped, Olympia was unable to do anything with it other than drag the leg behind her. Yep, poop all over her wrap. Cindi cleaned it as best as possible for the night and awaited the next morning when more people would be available to change the wrap.
Kitty Haven had two Vets. look at the x-rays and they were concerned with the placement of the pins. The need for a wrap change was a perfect time to anesthesize Olympia so the Vets. could palpate her leg and check the pin placement.
Good news and bad news. The bad news...Olympia's lower leg is slightly twisted and the bones will heal in that position. She may have an odd walk for life. The pins are placed in such a manner that they are not meant to be removed, so Olympia will live her life with two steel pins in her leg.
The good news; she has good tone in her knee joint and her muscles seem strong. Our Vet. recommended leaving her leg unwrapped so she can flex and use it to prevent muscle atrophy. Olympia is now bandage free and is moving around. We let her out of her kennel for a short time each day to exercise her leg and she loves her free time. She tries to follow us so she can be picked up and snuggled. Olympia loves being snuggled.
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