Today Dora returned from a week of vacation. She seems to have left her brain in the Santa Barbara area and we are offering a reward for its return. Jayne, if you find a brain down there, please mail it overnight delivery. All of us who work with Dora will be forever grateful. Even if it's not Dora's, it has to be an improvement.
Friday one of the two stooges will be gone. It is Mabeline's last day of employment Although it means I will be working seven days a week until the new Asst. is trained, I am doing a silent dance of joy to celebrate having one less person to deal with who has no brain.

It is now raining here and I am liking it. The past week has been snow and ice and hopefully tonight's rain will melt all of it. Our driveway has been so thick with ice that Marty hasn't been able to get out with his truck. He has been driving my car which means taking me to work each day and then picking me up. A hassle in many ways. The snow was nice the first two days, but after a week it is time for it to go.
At 11:36 AM,
Jaynespace said…
Alas, no brains. Actually, we have a brain shortsge down here as it is...
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