Been Busy
Monday I am making a 100 mile round trip taking one of our rescue kittens to an eye specialist. Heather is a four month old brown tabby who we think can see shadows but nothing else. The specialist is Dr. Victoria Jones. She has a soft spot in her heart for rescue kitties and donates her time and expertise instead of charging us her usual exam fee. Her clinic is booked out until February but on Monday Dr. Jones is skipping her lunch hour to see Heather.
If you know of anyone with a pet who has eye problems in the Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue area, I highly recommend Dr. Jones and her clinic; Northwest Animal Eye Clinic.
The house painters are hit and miss with their work due to the weather. We started the rainy season and I will really be surprised if the painting is completed before this time next year. I will not recommend our painters to anyone.
Spent $300+ Saturday with Roto Rooter to unclog our main water drain. That seems to be a twice a year cost thanks to the shoddy plumbing the original owner put in the house and their past years of just patching instead of fixing the main problem. Unfortunately we can't afford to have the entire plumbing system made over right now.
My dad-in-law passed away last year on October 3. He was a wonderful father-in-law, taught me much about gardening, house painting and life. He also taught me much about patience with other people and love of all living things. My world is sadder without his presence but I am much wiser due the time he was in my life. The world lost such a gentle soul when dad passed but I know he is still with me, telling me not to prune the roses right now.

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