This Old House is Ours
The grandson was a lousy home maintenance person. We have found this out during our years living here. His repairs are slowly falling apart and failing all throughout the house. His name was Frick and whenever something goes wrong we mutter, "This Fricking house".
The past year it was the plumbing that went haywire. Leaks, a plugged main sewer line (again), broken pipes. The floors are wood with no finish other than paint and we risk slivers if we dare walk without shoes or slippers. During heavy rains we have to dig a trench outside our gate to divert the street runoff into the vacant field in front of our property or it all rushes down our driveway and floods the yard because the City has no storm drain on our street. I'm talking so squishy it can suck your shoes off and ponds of water throughout the yard.
But with all the flaws and a few things in the house I wish were different, like a larger bathroom and new counters in the kitchen, finished floors, I love living here.

See that large front window above the porch steps? It's larger than it looks. That's my office. My table (no desk for me, I use a large wooden drafting table for my workspace) looks out into the yard where I can see apple trees and the stray cats that come to the porch for their daily meal. My view into the yard is not always a good thing. Here I am gabbing on my blog instead of studying like I should be.
So why am I talking of the yard, trees, blackberries? The past two days here have been sunny, no rain, somewhat chilly, but the birds are singing and it feels like Spring. Ah well, it was a glorious day. I'm thinking "Winter be gone, Spring hurry on in". I want to have a vegetable garden again this year. Time to get cracking on that so I can have Snow Peas.
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