Steph's Glass is Half Full

Optimistic (and often pessimistic) raves and rants about the many things that can go wrong with an old house, cats who leave me hairballs each day, a job I love but get burned out with and my wonderful husband who I at times, want to hiss at. Also included are my yays and nays about my travels into the world when performing necessary tasks such as grocery shopping, being thrown together with complete strangers, thrown together with strangers and their strangeness.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Vacation is Much Desired, But Ain't Happening

Diego came in Wednesday for his sutures out/ear crop reroll. The Vet. Tech. expert on aggressive dogs went to the lobby with a muzzle to retrieve Diego. She returned a short while later to get a larger muzzle. Diego had grown a lot since the day he bit me.

The Tech. brought Diego to the treatment area and it required three people to get him under control. He had to be hog tied; his legs taped together and the muzzle had to be taped tighter to his snout. He could breathe fine but could not open his mouth to give even a nip. I stayed out of the way since Diego doesn't like me. My coworkers had a hard enough time with him, my presence would have riled him more.

It happens to everyone in the animal field. There are just some animals who take a dislike to a particular person for some unknown reason. Only Diego knows why he wants to bite my arm off or eat me like a tasty rice crispy treat. His procedure that day took longer than normal because of his struggling. Unfortunately he comes back in three weeks to see if his ear crop needs another reroll on a day when I am the only Vet. Asst. on duty. Damn!

I did have a two day weekend over the holiday. Had Sunday/Monday off and felt somewhat like a normal person with two days to spend with laundry and other household chores. I slept in Monday and woke at 11AM, something I have dreamed of for many weeks. It was bliss getting out of bed so late. Then work came much too quickly and I had to get up early today.

Did I mention Dora left us a few weeks ago? Yay in all ways. We haven't found the right person to replace her and the other Vet. Assts. have commitments that prevent them from taking on extra hours right now, so as Lead. Vet. Asst., I'm responsible for making sure Dora's hours are covered. Unfortunately the only person currently available to cover those hours is me.

Today was a 12 hour day. If all goes well Wed/Thurs., I will work only 10 or 11 hrs. Friday will be 12+hrs. Saturday is my short day, only 6/7 hrs. A short week because the clinic was closed Monday. Last week I clocked 20 hours of overtime. I need a vacation, but it ain't happening anytime soon.

On a happier note, my snow peas are growing. I didn't have time to cultivate the ground and went for the time saving container gardening. My containers are cat litter tubs filled with potting soil.

As of this posting, the plants are twice this height and very healthy with no bugs or slugs of normal ground gardening. I am looking forward to fresh snow peas.


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