That Darn Rudy Dog

Three images that show how my day at work went today.
The Golden Retriever Rudy needed the hair in his ears clipped to provide better access for his ear infection medication. I had my left hand under his collar, my right hand around his muzzle and his head pressed against my thigh. We desensitized him to the clipper noise and vibration by placing the clipper on his body and slowly moving up to his ear. Rudy was fine with the clipper noise and vibration on his ear, but when actually in his ear, he freaked out and twisted like a cat. He frantically jumped around, up and down, twisting every which way. My hand on his collar remained steady.
When we had Rudy calm again, I noticed my ring finger was askew and I said, "I think Rudy just dislocated my finger". Everyone looked at it and said, "Yep, looks like it's dislocated". I was sent to the local doc-in-the-box.
The finger didn't hurt, I could move it, but in its inert state, it laid sprawled over my pinky finger. As I sat waiting and waiting and waiting at doc-in-the-box, I wondered how a dislocated finger was relocated. Was it just a very painful pull to pop things back into place, painful injections of Lidocaine to numb the nerves? I stressed while sitting in the waiting room.
My stress was wasted because my finger wasn't dislocated. It was broken. The photo above shows a break very similar to mine except I have a cleaner break with a larger gap between the bones.
Now I am in a hard splint to stabalize the broken finger. Doc-in-the-box had no choice of colors and gave me pristine white. Yeah, that wll stay white for five minutes at work. My coworkers covered my splint with Vet Wrap, bright green with paw prints.
Geez, I just recovered from the dog bite and am now again out of top notch ability with a broken finger. This is not good because I am working double shifts since we are short handed.
That darn Rudy. Bad boy.
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