Been Busy Being Lazy
Chib the Pomeranian is a nice dog, but can be a pain. Walking her for twenty minutes outside with no results and the minute she gets inside, she pees on the floor. Good thing we don't have carpeting.
Nora Neko, the old cat is no problem to pet sit. He sleeps much of the time and comes out from his bed to eat and ask for petting.
I am still off from work with the chest congestion but it's getting better and I'll probably go back Friday. The time off made me realize how burned out I actually am with work.
Two years ago I worked only two days a week, sixteen hours and it was perfect. Then we lost Assts. and I covered hours. Until this past November, I was working 60-70 hrs. six days a week. I currently have a schedule with two days off (split days, but hey, it's two days off) and 35-45 hrs each week. An okay schedule but it's only been a couple of months and I'm still reeling with tiredness from all the hours and days I spent at work before. I'm burned out.
I requested that we hire another Asst. so I can go back to part-time working only one or two days a week and be the on-call person for sick time or vacation time. The Medical Director says she's fine with hiring someone else. I haven't heard from the Office Manager and Regional Director.
The Regional Director is a bitch, but don't tell anyone I said that.
My sis-in-law Jayne and husband Jeff are having a great time losing sleep and learning how to bathe their new son Kurt. Baby Kurt has great parents. He will grow up to be a real asset to the world.

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