Steph's Glass is Half Full

Optimistic (and often pessimistic) raves and rants about the many things that can go wrong with an old house, cats who leave me hairballs each day, a job I love but get burned out with and my wonderful husband who I at times, want to hiss at. Also included are my yays and nays about my travels into the world when performing necessary tasks such as grocery shopping, being thrown together with complete strangers, thrown together with strangers and their strangeness.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New Vet. Assts.

We hired two new Vet. Assts. and I have spent much time training them the past two weeks. Both have some experience, but I sometimes wonder what the hell they are doing.

The person who does our opening shift I will name Gabby. She asks a lot of questions which is good but much of what she asks has already been taught numerous times. Gabby doesn't think before asking, but she is trying really hard to do a good job. She is a pleasant person and takes instruction well. I just need to get her to think before asking.

The person doing the closing shift I haven't come up with a nickname for her yet.

I'm exhausted with the training and then the retraining, and then the retraining. What prevents people from remembering things they learned the day before?

A coworker mentioned to me that my hair is more gray now.


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