Hellish Wednesday

This is Louie, a kitty we are fostering, the start of my hellish Wednesday.
I have had a pretty bad cold the past few days and did not sleep well Tuesday night. Marty woke me at 6AM today saying Louie escaped outside. My only word was "Crap" as I got out of the bed that didn't provide me sleep during the night but did give me warmth.
I ventured into the yard with its wet grass and chill in the air and looked under trees, in long grass, the garage, basement, anywhere a scared cat would run. No sign of Louie, no sound from him as I repeatedly called his name. Marty had to get ready for work, I kept searching, getting soaked because I was wearing only my sweat pants, a t-shirt and crocs for shoes. Hey, I was too frantic to think about dressing for the occasion.
After Marty left for work I took a long warm shower to chase away my chills and did more searching for Louie until my body said, "You need a cup of coffee". Halfway through that cup I felt a sudden urgency to search the garage again. After ten minutes of calling his name and ready to give up for the time being, I suddenly turn around and there was Louie standing quietly at my feet looking at me as if saying, "What took you so long to find me"?
After a short nap with Louie insisting on snuggling with me, I awoke chilled to the bone but covered in sweat, coughing uncontrollably and a very hoarse voice. This morning's adventure did nothing to help my cold.
I also heard from my school who said I no longer need to complete my practicum assignments. I did not meet the deadline and must now start all over at Semester One as a new student. My studies were interrupted by life the past few years and I'm okay about starting over with school but still kind of bummed out about it.
To top the day off, our cat Kodak has a swollen eye. He will be going to the clinic Thursday to see the Vet.
Thank goodness Wednesday is almost over.
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