And here she is with her kitten personality on 8/15/09. She finally learned how to play and be a kitten and has spent the last two weeks running around the house looking for things that move so she can pounce on them. This includes dust balls, tails of other cats and human fingers. She especially enjoys trying to jump on Nadi, our 16lb. cat and trying to wrestle him.
Turtle won't be placed for adoption yet. She still needs to gain weight and grow. She knows her name and comes when I call her, unless she is stalking a moving object. Turtle bonded with me and I've been taking her to work so she can interact with other humans and won't be so dependent on me. It has helped a lot. She doesn't look for me when someone else is holding her and is interested in what is going on rather than focused on, "Where's my mama?"
When she does get adopted, I will really miss the little Turtle.
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