Life has been busy with cat care and studying. The yard work has been on the wayside since we have one day of sun and warmth and the next day rain and cold wind. The grass and weeds are loving it much to my dismay. Some of the grass is knee high and the dandelions look very pretty with their yellow flowers but are now turning to their wisps of seeds to implant our yard with thousands of them next spring.Studies are stressing me out because I have the Business Math course to get through, my Vet studies to bone up for the VTNE in June and my extra class of Pharmacology.
This is Andromeda. She had her sutures removed today but the incision opened up a bit and leaked pus. She will have another surgery today to insert a drain in the eye socket.
This is Cassiopia. Her eye surgery is healing fine and she is romping, leaping, playing with her sisters. Both Casseiopia and Andromeda have no idea they lost an eye. They function as normal kittens.They will be available for adoption soon. Come on over to Tacoma, WA. to adopt them.
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