Steph's Glass is Half Full

Optimistic (and often pessimistic) raves and rants about the many things that can go wrong with an old house, cats who leave me hairballs each day, a job I love but get burned out with and my wonderful husband who I at times, want to hiss at. Also included are my yays and nays about my travels into the world when performing necessary tasks such as grocery shopping, being thrown together with complete strangers, thrown together with strangers and their strangeness.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Animal Control Sucks

I took a drive Monday evening to rescue a cat that was hit by a car last Saturday. Yep, three days ago. (I named this female cat Treasure).

A woman was on her daily walk Saturday and saw Treasure lying in the ditch of a busy road. She thought Treasure was dead since she didn't move and didn't respond to the woman's voice. On her return, she stopped at Treasure again and noticed a head movement, but Treasure did not respond to anything the woman said. She rushed home and called Animal Control, telling them the exact location of a cat hit by a car and alive but needs help.

On her walk Sunday, the woman didn't see Treasure until her return. Treasure was lying in the ditch on the other side of the road and still did not respond to the woman's voice except to make small movements of her head. The woman called Animal Control again and then returned with her husband to try to rescue Treasure.

The husband had been bitten by a cat before; a small bite that bled a little but in his mind he almost died from it (we know how men are with their little wounds) and he was deathly afraid of another bite. When he tried to pick Treasure up, she screamed and lashed out at him. He was not going to try again. The woman left bowls of water and food relying on Animal Control to respond to her calls.

Monday on the woman's walk she sees Treasure is still there and still alive. She calls her sister who works with me.

Nicki and I drive out to rescue Treasure. We found her in the ditch, her head lying in the bowl of food. Her eyes responded to our voices. I put the thick leather cat gloves on and stroked her head for several minutes before scruffing her and gently dragging her onto a soft towel. Treasure was fine with all of that, but when I laid her in the carrier, she protested, twisted around and screamed. Nicki and I immediately knew Treasure most likely had a broken back.

We took Treasure to the Vet. clinic. There was no movement in her hind legs. The x-rays showed the vertebrae snapped in half, one section lying on top of the other. Such a break could not be fixed. We had to euthanize Treasure.

Treasure laid on the roadside for three days in great pain, but strived for life because she dragged herself across the road looking for shelter. It poured rain Saturday night and Sunday morning. Treasure was out there, rain soaking her broken body, but still alive.

At least she was humanely euthanized instead of left to die on the road. We snuggled her in a warm towel, gave her loving caresses and soft words. Treasure spent her last hour on Earth being loved, warm and safe.

Where was Animal Control? What are their priorities? Two calls about a cat hit by a car and still alive, three days and still Treasure is lying on the roadside. Where was Animal Control?!!! Where is the driver who hit Treasure and drove off?

An education point to all drivers: If you hit an animal, stop to see if the animal is okay and if it's not, be compassionate and take it to a Veterinarian hospital where it can receive care. Those of you that drive off, think of Treasure spending three days in great pain and rain pouring down on her. I hope your conscience nags at you forever.

Our lives are not so busy and important that we can ignore any injury we inflict on animals.


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