The Police and Kittens
I go to Fife several times each month. Did I speed or do some other driver mistake, did they catch me on camera doing some traffic violation? I'm a good driver, I don't violate any laws. If anything, I went 37 in a 35 MPH zone. Why are the police calling me?!
The next words from the Officer were, "Okay Stephanie, this is the situation".
Freak out does not begin to describe what I was feeling and the Officer adds, after a short pause, "We have two kittens that an officer found in a warehouse area. Do you have space to take the kittens?"
Whew! What a relief that it was just a call about kittens and not some crime or such thing.
I was in a dilemma. Kitty Haven was more than full with kitties and we really had no space for more, but I was talking with the police department. Criminies! Of course I said we could take the kittens. How can you ever say no to a law enforcement agency asking for help? The Officer told me their Dept. is very fond of the kittens and wants them to be well taken care of. I could not say no.
The kittens arrived Sunday morning. What should we name them? "Coercion", "Intimidation", "Pee My Pants"?
Geez, I now have the police keeping in touch with me about the care of these kittens. Hmm, if Kitty Haven finds a good home for these kittens, will that give me a break if I ever get pulled over for a traffic violation?
At 4:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I suggest asking the officer what they would like to name the kitties. :-) I bet they'll love that, and then maybe you can whip through Fife at 39 mph in a 35 with no worries!
How about Miranda, Pat (down), Lights and Sirens... I could go on for days, but I bet the police would enjoy it more!
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