Duhduhduh Mabel
A pet with dry flaky skin due to his diet made Mabel freak out about cooties. (Mabel thinks all skin problems are caused by invisible "cooties"). A possible ringworm case that Mabel touched: 10 minutes later she pointed to a red spot on her arm and screamed that she had ringworm, frantic that it would spread all over her body and then spent the next hours asking everyone to examine her arm for the "ringworm cooties" even though the red spot washed right off. The spot was a touch of blood from a surgery animal she carried to its recovery kennel, but Mabel was convinced she was infected with ringworm. All the hospital staff endured the next weeks of Mabel's insistence that we inspect that area of her arm to make sure she wasn't "cootified" even though the possible ringworm case turned out to have allergies, not ringworm.
Mabel is a very hyper person in general and then drinks several cups of coffee and has a couple of sodas during the day. Caffeine and sugar overload adds to Mabel's normal yakyakyakyakyak in her high pitched screechy voice screaming about cooties and constantly giving us half hour updates on the appointments and who is in the lobby, who is due in, who didn't show, who is late. I hear Mabel all day plus the patients barking, meowing, the whining when waking up from anesthesia...no wonder I don't attend rock concerts.
A somewhat cheerful note: Mabel is angry with me and is not speaking to me. Today at work was much quieter simply because Mabel was silent in my presence. Several co-workers thanked me for making the day at least a little more peaceful.
A loving end to today before I go to bed:

Star Baby and Nadi Boy say "Good night, sweet dreams".
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