Steph's Glass is Half Full

Optimistic (and often pessimistic) raves and rants about the many things that can go wrong with an old house, cats who leave me hairballs each day, a job I love but get burned out with and my wonderful husband who I at times, want to hiss at. Also included are my yays and nays about my travels into the world when performing necessary tasks such as grocery shopping, being thrown together with complete strangers, thrown together with strangers and their strangeness.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Matthew Sox is Missing

Matthew Sox was adopted Saturday after fostering at my house since last July. Late Sunday evening the new owner had a visiting friend who left the front door open and Matthew darted outside. They searched until early morning but couldn't find him. Marty and I scoured the neighborhood Monday evening after we learned Matthew was missing and saw or heard no sign of him. Marty searched again Tuesday morning, I searched late Tuesday afternoon.

We searched at the Humane Society three times today and will return every day. The new owner put flyers on the doors of all the neighbors, I posted lost ads on petfinder and craig's list and will post in the city newspaper.

Matthew first came to Kitty Haven at two weeks of age, he and his sisters are bottle fed babies who were adopted and then returned after four years when the owner's asthma got alarming worse. His Dr. told him to "get rid" of the cats. Matthew and his sisters came back to us.

I am having a hard time keeping my emotions together. Matthew has never been outside, he knows nothing of the dangers, he can't fend for himself outdoors.

Wish us the best on finding Matthew Sox hunkered down in someone's yard safe and unhurt.


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