Steph's Glass is Half Full

Optimistic (and often pessimistic) raves and rants about the many things that can go wrong with an old house, cats who leave me hairballs each day, a job I love but get burned out with and my wonderful husband who I at times, want to hiss at. Also included are my yays and nays about my travels into the world when performing necessary tasks such as grocery shopping, being thrown together with complete strangers, thrown together with strangers and their strangeness.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Kitten Rescue

Kitten Rescue tears my heart out at times.

Tonight we lost Rufus. He was a 14 week old kitten who went up and down with his health. Loved to snuggle in my lap. He was a little off this morning and spent the day sleeping. Early evening he crashed; lethargic, couldn't walk. I rushed him to the hospital.

A jugular catheter was set for IV fluids, glucose and antibiotics were given. He died a few hours later.

Martha and Louden, his siblings, are taking a trip to the Dr. Wednesday for a health check.

Sometimes kitten rescue really makes me cry.


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