Steph's Glass is Half Full

Optimistic (and often pessimistic) raves and rants about the many things that can go wrong with an old house, cats who leave me hairballs each day, a job I love but get burned out with and my wonderful husband who I at times, want to hiss at. Also included are my yays and nays about my travels into the world when performing necessary tasks such as grocery shopping, being thrown together with complete strangers, thrown together with strangers and their strangeness.

Monday, March 03, 2008

My Day Off

I enjoyed today. It was pretty relaxing although I did have to go to the clinic for a short while. My niece is having career day where the kids dress up as what they want to be. My niece wants to be a Veterinary Assistant for career day, not a Dr. since they are so busy and can't spend a lot of time with the patients like a Vet. Asst. can. So I made a package of a scrub top, stethoscope, name badge, gloves and various other animal care supplies and dropped it off at the clinic for my brother to pick up. Why leave it at the's halfway between our homes and easier for him.

I went grocery shopping to buy supplies for the next three nights dinners. Tonight was homemade chicken teriyaki, hot rice and fresh spinach that I sauted with a dab of butter and a dash of soy sauce. It was delicious.

The fast food teriyaki places are edible sometimes but sooooo far away from authentic Japanese it's embarrassing. If your favorite fast food place has teriyaki that is thick and sweet, they aren't serving the real stuff and you are being cheated of a delicious flavor.

FYI: A Japanese restaurant owned by Koreans...most make their teriyaki sauce with Pepsi. Yep, Pepsi the soda pop. Yuck. If KimChee is on the menu, it's a Korean owned restaurant. Authentic Japanese places wil have suinomo rather than KimChee.

I used to make teriyaki sauce by mixing the soy sauce, sugar, a bit of wine and grated ginger root. But now I cheat. A bottle of Yoshida's original flavor gourmet sauce poured over the chicken in a roasting pan, throw in sliced fresh ginger root, put the lid on and bake until done. The chicken is moist with the flavor baked throughout.

I went to the uniform store nearby and found a kitty themed smock on sale for $9. Of course I bought it since someone in my career can never have enough smocks.

My evening was spent with paperwork of the kitty rescue. Although dealing with tracking finances, it was actually relaxing.

And now here I am, relaxing again and being lazy. I love my days off! And I have two more unless I get a last minute call to work.

WOOHOO to time at home!


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