Response to Jayne
Yep, I guess I'm soul sick. The past couple of years have worn me out and the list of causes is so long that if I name them all I will surely be exhausted.
The list right now is:
Work: Two new Vet. Assts., one who worked with us before for two years and was always complaining of health issues; upset stomach, headache, sore back, etc., etc. and after just a month with us this time finds out she is pregnant. So she can't help with x-rays, is always sitting on the counter instead of working because she is tired. The office manager hired her back, I had nothing to do with that and if given the choice, I would not have hired her based on her previous lack of work performance.
The other Asst. has very little experience and in two weeks I'm off for the entire month of November due to Marty's knee surgery. As the Lead Asst. it is my job to make sure the hospital has competent Assts. In November they need to make do without my covering hours or going in to help when things are hectic. Yep, I have a guilty conscience about being totally unavailable during November but I won't go in to's my time off.
Our house painter...quite a drama there. His Asst. is his girlfriend and they argue. Due to a particular incident I know more about the painter than I care to know. That is a separate story itself that I will post later.
We are renting out the small house, tenant due in two weeks and the plumbing still isn't fixed. The house has no water right now. We spent quite a chunk of money to have a plumber fix a couple of major leaks and he gave us an estimate of $4500 to fix all the leaks which includes replacing all the old pipes. The house was built in 1910 and probably still has some pipes from that era. We don't have $4500 right now. Not with the painter needing another $1200+ when he is finished. We are looking for other plumbers with a lower estimate and if need be, I will crawl under the house myself to fix the leaks well enough to provide water to the renter then we will replace plumbing next spring.
Mom-in-law was due for knee surgery this week, something that has been needed for the past several years but her health prevented it. Finally when the surgery was to be performed, it was postponed due to an infection.
Marty is working 5PM to 5AM shifts for the next two weeks and it is much like when he was working in Alaska except he is home instead of so far away. Our work schedules clash and when I awake each day Marty has had just a few hours sleep so I try to be very quiet and try to keep the cats from their usual morning greeting of loud meowing and leaping around so they don't wake him. The cats have fortunately been cooperating even though their schedule is totally disrupted.
The above is a short list of why I am soul sick and that is just the past month. With today's fast paced life and technology, I am just longing for a more peaceful time like Norman Rockwell's paintings.
I am weary now but am don't get me wrong. I am now in a world of joy compared to my life before meeting Marty. My life now is absolutely wonderful compared to my existence before.
At 10:58 PM,
Jaynespace said…
Ahaaaa. Thank you for elaborating. It really sucks to be the employee who cares about her job and the place she works amongst a sea of people who don't. I'm sorry Marty has to have surgery but I am glad you two have a month together!
I decided if Mom hasn't had her surgery by Thanksgiving, Kurt and I will just visit for a visit instead of trying to schedule it around people's medical conditions..
At 11:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Blog Steph-
I completely forget to catch up on these for several weeks and afterwards feel like I've just visited after reading. How's the fall settling in up there? Marty will be fine and you'll have a much needed break-although I bet they con you into coming in an afternoon or two. Lisa
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