Steph's Glass is Half Full

Optimistic (and often pessimistic) raves and rants about the many things that can go wrong with an old house, cats who leave me hairballs each day, a job I love but get burned out with and my wonderful husband who I at times, want to hiss at. Also included are my yays and nays about my travels into the world when performing necessary tasks such as grocery shopping, being thrown together with complete strangers, thrown together with strangers and their strangeness.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This is our cat Mojo. He was born in our home along with five other siblings seven years ago. His mother S'More was a very sweet cat that my rescue organization took in. Unfortunately the litter was very sickly and we lost three kittens at four months of age due to malformed kidneys. Maynard was adopted and was thriving in his new home the last I heard. Magpie stayed with us due to her severe asthma and we had to send her to the Rainbow Bridge a few months ago. The mother S'More went to the Bridge a few years ago with liver problems and kidney failure. Those were very sad times for us.

Mojo was born with a hip problem and had to have FHO surgery as a very young kitten. FHO is Femoral Head Ostectomy, a surgical procedure that removes the femoral head and neck from the femur. He recovered fine but his poor genetics have kept him less than thriving throughout his life. He has always been thin, no body fat, always acted like an old man never playing. He is seven years old and weighs less than five lbs.

Last week Mojo kept scratching his ear, so much that he gave himself a bald spot. I looked and didn't notice anything so gave him flea treatment since he was due for it. Saturday I looked again, the area was swollen and kind of gummy. I cleaned it and suddenly, "Oh my gosh, it's filled with pus". I saw two puncture wounds. Yep one of the cats bit him and caused an abscess.

Mojo had surgery Monday and has five sutures closing his wound area plus an open hole to allow any pus to drain and for me to insert the Hetacin K antibiotic. Our great Dr. also noticed he had several loose teeth and since his bloodwork was good, decided to extract the bad teeth. Mojo then got an IV catheter for fluids during his dental.

He ended up with only his four canines, all other teeth were removed.

I would say, "Poor Mojo", but the dental did wonders. He is eating like an entire football team. Of course he is not too fond of my cleaning his abscess area and hates the anitibiotics. But Mojo is doing good and considering his genetics, we are lucky to still have him.


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