Annie Annabelle
Today Dr. Sage (Annie's Vet.), Lana (Annie's Vet. Tech) and I decided to try something the hospital has never done before.
Since Annie vomits whenever she gets stressed and since she stresses whenever anyone other than myself handles her, we decided to try feeding her with an IV fluid pump, bag and line.
I pureed her canned food with the Dr's recommended amount of water and then poured it through a sieve to make sure there were no small lumps that would clog the line. Her food was then inserted into an empty fluid bag, the line run through the fluid pump and then attached to Annie's feeding tube. We set the pump at 250mls. total volume to be infused and the drip rate at 35mls. per hour.
Annie was doing fine, but 4 hours later had a retching episode, vomited a small amount and then settled down comfortably curled up in her bed.
One vomit episode all day....much much less than normal. Maybe this method will work. And since her food bag contains so much liquid, she doesn't need the IV catheter for hydration.
We are keeping our fingers crossed.
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