It Was a Busy Day
The Therapist noticed a rash on the knee and then Marty mentioned he has had a rash on his chest for a few days...never told me. PT was worried since such rashes are sometimes early signs of infection, he called the surgeon's office, we were told to go over there so the PA could do an exam.
The Physician Assistant suspects a reaction to the current pain med., there are no signs of infection. New pain med. we go to the pharmacy. Waiting time one hour or more so we went to lunch instead of sitting around. After lunch it was back to the pharmacy then I took Marty home and got him comfortable before I left again to one store for dish soap and chocolate (for Marty) and another store for a printer cartridge.
When I got home bad weather was rolling in so I dragged the garbage can out to the street for tomorrow's pick-up. Did the daily household chores, tried to figure out how many more squares I need to turn a twin bed quilt pattern into a queen size pattern, how much longer to cut the binding...I gave up on that. Fortunately Marty has decided not to visit the fencing club tonight so now I can finally relax and sit down.
Whew, what a day. I'm on vacation but am more tired than if I was working. Since Marty came home from the hospital there hasn't been a day that I haven't had to drive somewhere. Not all due to Marty, some was due to taking Rebound to the clinic. Usually on my days off from work I don't leave the house.
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