Rain, rain and more rain
The weather forecast is heavy rain and high wind. I went out today and dug the ditch by our driveway gate deeper. We live at the end of a slightly sloped street and all the rain water rushes into our yard unless we have the ditch to divert it into the vacant lot to the north of our property. That vacant lot is owned by the city and if they don't like our ditch they can fix the storm drain at the top of the street to handle the rain water. All that extra water sogs up the yard which makes the basement leak.I think I have made a good enough dam in the basement with a line of squeegees to divert the seeping water into the sump pump hole. When it rained last week I discovered a lot of the water in the basement was because the concrete sink we have had a large crack in it. The sump pump drains into that sink. Doesn't do much good to run the pump if the water spills right onto the floor. So...Yay for Gorilla Glue! Yep, I filled that crack with Gorilla Glue and it sealed up very nicely. No more sink leak.
This is Marty's knee today, 13 days after surgery. He had his first physical therapy appointment today and the therapist did not work him hard at all due to the swelling. Next week he has two sessions scheduled and hopefully by then the swelling will be better. Marty is walking well, using the cane all the time now instead of the walker and is putting more weight on the leg. He can do stairs now which means he is able to sleep in bed instead of on the sofa and can make it downstairs for his morning shower. His progress is actually pretty good and I am proud of his efforts the past days to get back up on his two legs and do things for himself. Thank you babe, for all your hard work to become mobile again.
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