If you haven't heard, Western WA. has had snow since last Wednesday and received a major storm Saturday and Sunday. Here in the Tacoma area it usually snows one day and then it's gone by the following morning. Not this time.
The birds are still coming to eat the cat food on our front porch but they are mighty dirty birds since their bath is out of commission. The basin is filled with solid ice and the snow is what we received Sunday.
Today I learned that nothing kills bamboo, not even a deep deep freeze. It justs keeps on growing. Thank goodness this bamboo is contained, unlike the huge bamboo jungle in the front yard when we first moved into this house ten years ago. It took years to get rid of the major portion of that demon and we still have stubborn bamboo sprigs sprouting up by the front gate.
This is Marty's truck and Kimberly's car, stuck next to the driveway. The snow isn't too deep right there but they are sitting on solid ice. The truck has been stranded for four days, Kimberly was immovable just today. Our neighbor Mike dug her car out while Marty was at work and she was able to get it up the driveway onto the street. The truck was really stuck and needed a tow with Mike's jeep. First had to get the truck facing in the opposite direction and then it was pulled out to the street onto level ground.
This house photo was taken today. I swept the snow off the porch and steps Sunday. This is our new paint job, almost finished, and it actually looks nice in the snow. Yep, fourteen months after hiring the painter the house still isn't complete. But almost, just a few minor areas and details need to be done.
With the freezing wind Sunday our front downspout developed an impressive icicle. The house painter failed to replace the entire downspout and we now get to be awed by the colorful prism we see when the sun hits the icicle. Our yard and driveway are covered with about eight inches of snow which isn't so bad but underneath that snow is five inches of ice. I know because I tried to shovel the steepest part of the driveway today and didn't get very far at all. I only cleared a patch about a foot square before my arm muscles were screaming at me to stop. I decided the task was impossible.
On a happier note, our apples seem very jolly with their reddened faces and Santa hats made of snow.
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