The exam is 200 questions with a four hour time frame. Yep, sounds like a lot of time but is actually only 1.2 minutes per question. Of course some questions I really know the answer to and will spend maybe 30 seconds to read the question and provided answers (the test is multiple choice), but will spend massive time on questions I don't know.
Here's a question on the sample tests I've been studying:
Fifty milliliters of a solution of 50% dextrose is added to a liter of 0.45% NaCL with 2.5% dextrose to yield a solution with a final dextrose concentration of what percent?
Anyone have the answer? If so, please let me know how to figure such solutions and show your math because I'm really dumb in this area.
I'm also dumb in...everything. Anatomy, cytology, drugs, nursing, anesthesia, cardiac, organs, muscles, brain is completely blank. I don't know how to restrain livestock, but am very knowledgeable in dog/cat restraint.
Yay!!! I do know something!
At 7:52 AM,
Marty said…
Dumb is not a word associated in any way with you... kick butt on the exam! You are loved... m
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